The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded $7,200,000 to IPRH at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to fund interdisciplinary collaboration in the humanities across fifteen research universities located in the Midwest since 2014.
By leveraging strengths in the humanities across these distinctive campus ecosystems, the consortium, titled Humanities Without Walls (HWW), aims to create new avenues for collaborative research and graduate education in the humanities through cross-institutional cooperation.
The HWW consortium, led by IPRH Director and Principal Investigator Antoinette Burton, makes possible two initiatives: summer workshops for pre-doctoral students in the humanities who desire to explore careers outside the academy, and funding for cross-institutional teams of faculty and graduate students pursuing research that focuses on a grand challenge.
Committed to thinking through humanistic scholarship in newly interdisciplinary ways and to developing innovative methods for imagining graduate education, HWW has contributed to the vibrancy and the visibility of humanities research in the 21st century research university. IPRH is at the helm of this work, helping to model how collaboration across sites both inside and outside of academic institutions will reshape the character, the reach and the impact of humanities-based scholarship in the coming decades.
To learn more about IPRH and the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, visit the IPRH website.